Contact-ing the Schrödinger
Source github repo: QuantuMusings
This report is a not-so-short compilation of the theoretical stuff I’ve covered till now for my ongoing UG RnD project under the guidance of Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan, head of CNQT group at IIT Bombay. Most of the theoretical stuff covered in the document has been patched together, verbatim, from multiple sources that I found to be highly instructive and I do not claim any original contribution to the same.
This article is a brief review of ac-NEGF and Floquet-NEGF techniques, compiled as a part of the course project for EE755 (Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Devices). NEGF formalism in the presence of time-dependent fields is far more detailed (and beautifully so), and this short report hardly does justice to it, particularly since I missed out on the Floquet-NEGF portion, which definitely deserved more attention.